Workshops/Masterclasses/ Lecture Recitals

Sat. Oct. 19, 2024: Catherine Rollin Music Showcase 12:15 -1:00 p.m. at the Michigan Music Teachers Association Conference  at  Calvin College

Oct. 25, 2024: Pittsburgh Piano Teachers Association – All Day Event at PYCO School of Music   9:00-4:00 p.m.  Featuring a.m. workshops and p.m. master classes.  Followed by Meet and Greet!

Nov. 8, 2024: Shore Music Educator’s Association: Online Workshop: “Getting to the Heart of the Music: Building Interpretive Skills”

Dec. 4, 2024: Livonia Piano Teachers Forum: Masterclass at Steinway Piano Gallery, Commerce Township, MI

January 13, 2025: Vivace  Masterclass:  Kawaii Piano Gallery: Shelby Twp.,MI

March 15-18, 2025: MTNA National Conference

March 29, 2025: The Rochester Piano Teachers Guild and New York State Music Teachers Association, District 12: American Composer Series – Nazareth University, Rochester, NY

May 9 -10, 2025: St Louis Music Teacher Association (SLAMTA)
May 9th:  Steinway Piano GalleryMaryland Heights, MO: Workshop
May 10th: Lacefield Music, Chesterfield, MO: Masterclass and recital

June 9-10, 2025: Iowa MTA State Conference St. Andrews University, Davenport, Iowa
November 14 &15,  2025 : Hattiesburg Music Teachers League Composer Festival


For further information please contact Catherine Rollin by clicking the button below.